Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or NHL is a serious affection which occurs due to the presence of B cells (B lymophocytes), a type of white blood cells which usually lead to severe complications such as tumors. Even though, treatments with chemotherapy and radiation are considered effective for many people who suffer from NHL, on the other hand for many pantients these procedures can be very toxic.

In addition to this, specialists have developed in the laboratories a new theraphy to treat NHL, a theraphy known as Monoclonal-antibody which has been proved to be safe and effective for certain patients. As we know the body produces antibodies, substances which have the role to fight against bacteria and viruses. Moreover, monoclonal antibodies have been produced in laboratories like many other antibodies and have the role in producing anti-tumor effects. Since most NHL patients have B cells, treatment with monoclonal-antibodies has brought important results in healing lymphoma and much more they have been prescribed with other toxin or radioactive particles that usually kill cells.

Furthermore, monoclonal antibody treatments usually include medications as Rituxan or Bexxar. First of all, treatments with Rituxan are considered very effective for people who suffer from NHL and may be used for other types of lymphomas too. Rituxan is the only monoclonal antibody treatment approved for NHL and most of the time has been studied in patients that have relapsed low grade NHL. Moreover, it can be taken without other medicines and it is usually given intravenously once a week for 4 weeks. In contrast to other procedures, Rituxin doesn't offer serious side effects such as hair loss, vomiting, and low blood counts.

Secondly, another monoclonal antibody which is being tested in laboratories is Bexxar. This medicine is a murine monoclonal antibody and doesn't have a naked form due to the presence of a radiocative iodine molecule which is attached to it. Just like Rituxan, this agent is administered intravenous with the first dose having a trace amount of radioactivity and the second dose containing most of the radioactive iodine. On the other hand, Bexxar has some negative aspects, such as fever, chills or shakes and in some cases NHL patients may have temporary drop in blood counts.

Thirdly, another monoclonal antibody which has been studied as NHL treatments is Oncolym. This agent has been studied in a radiolabeled form like Bexxar and has proved to be toxic like other radiolabeled antibodies. In contrast, LL2 is a humanized antibody, using a naked, unlabeled form as well as a radiolabeled form.

To conclude, monoclonal antibodies can be very effective in treating NHL due to their low toxicity and also the advantage of combining them with each other and also by using them in combination with chemotherapy or other procedures. It is important to say that people who suffer from NHL should be aware of their condition and become well-informed in order to follow the suitable treatment.

Alternative Medicine Schools
7:23 PM | Author: puthra

Alternative medicine schools are educational institutions in which the processes and practices of non-Western medicine are taught and disseminated. This is a valuable addition to the health industry. There are a number of schools in the US, that offer education in various branches of alternative medicine including degree programs in holistic health care, naturopathy, Chinese herbology and medicine, acupuncture, nutrition, clinical counseling, psychology, spiritual psychology, Avurveda and more.

Three the well known alternative schools are Five Branches Institute, College and Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine an Southwestern College.

Five Branches Institute, College and Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine located in Santa Cruz and San Jose, California emphasizes traditional Chinese medical theory and diagnosis, acupuncture, herbology and Western Medicine. They offer a Master’s program as well as Doctoral degrees.

The University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine located in Connecticut awards a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine to students who complete four years of study. Naturopathic medicine is a system of primary health care that practices prevention, diagnosis and treating conditions of the human mind and body.

Southwestern College in Scottsdale, Arizona creates a holistic approach to learning, counseling and psychology. Based on psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, systemic and transpersonal psychology, each theory is applied to students’ personal transformation and professional development.

The interest in alternative medicine has prompted many medical schools to add complementary alternative medical (CAM) courses to their curriculums. It has become quite apparent that patients are seeing physicians who not only practice conventional medicine, but alternative medicine as well.

Sure, we have all heard the term "alternative medicine", but many people do not understand exactly what it is all about and where it came from. Alternative medicine simply refers to medical practices which differ from conventional approaches. Some of the more common forms of alternative medicine include herbal medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic, and naturopathy.

Alternative medicine methods are usually based on philosophies that go against the grain of modern day medicine. Sometimes they incorporate spiritual practices, pre-modern medical traditions, or completely new approaches to the healing process.

Many have found that the best approach is to combine conventional and alternative medicine. When used in conjunction, an individual is able to benefit from the best of both worlds so to speak -- using conventional medicine for information and diagnosis, and using alternative medicine for health enhancement.

Alternative medicine is growing in popularity among developed countries. In these areas, access to medicines is restricted by both lack of resources and poverty. As a result, traditional remedies (alternative remedies) often become a form of primary health care.

As health care costs continue to rise, alternative medicine is also picking up steam in the United States. According to a survey done a few years ago of adults ages 18 and up in the U.S., over 74% had used some form of alternative medicine and more than 62% had done so within the past 12 months.

Used properly, alternative medicine methods can be extremely effective in treating a wide range of medical conditions at a very reasonable cost.

Khasiat Ginko Biloba
5:23 PM | Author: puthra

Ginkgo Biloba telah banyak digunakan sejak 2.800 SM dalam pengobatan tradisional China, sebagai obat kesehatan otak untuk mencegah pikun pada usia tua. Zat utama ginkgoflavono-glycoside yang dikandung ginkgo adalah suatu antioksidan kuat dengan sasaran jaringan otak untuk membantu kerja otak. Dalam melindungi kesehatan otak, ginkgo memperlancar aliran darah ke otak untuk memperbaiki fungsi saraf (neuronal) dan melindungi dari cedera oleh neurotoksin. Selain itu ginkgo dapat memperbaiki sumbatan aliran darah yang terjadi akibat penyempitan pembuluh darah.Suplementasi ginkgo adalah untuk memulihkan Alzheimer (penyakit neurologist akibat penuaan), kurang asupan darah ke otak (iskemia celebral) dan memperbaiki gangguan fungsi mental akibat stress kronis. Dari efeknya dalam memperbaiki aliran darah ke penis, ginkgo menjadi pilihan pertama sebagai obat disfungsi seksua pada pria (impotensia)

Penggunaan : Untuk membantu aliran darah ke otak, gunakan kapsul atau tablet yang mengandung ekstrak standar ginkgo biloba (24% heterosida ginkgo) 40 mg tiga kali sehari. Untuk disfungsi seksual dosis yang disarankan adalah 60 mg sehari.